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"Don't Think Just Dance!"

By 21:07 , , ,

Looks like the 'Dance Fever' has really caught on. Dentyne ConfiDance Movement has organised 2 dance workshops so far and has 2 more dates on its calender. There is also a dance competition with prizes of up to RM20,000.

Morning group
*Source: Dentyne ConfiDance Movement FB

I signed up for their 19/6 workshop on Saturday, 10am slot. I'm a morning person, what can I say. It was conducted at the Kuala Lumpur Dancers Association (KLDA) by Urban Groove. Surprisingly quite a lot of people turned up in the morning despite getting lost. We were taught to move Soul Groove style. And it didn't really matter if you had a dance background or whether or not you can dance. Participants were suppose to have fun while learning to dance with confidence.

Joel conducting the workshop
Curious how he looks like, read on..

Joel Tan, Founder/Director of Urban Groove explained that Soul Groove is about dancing from the soul. It's about getting into the rythm and getting your tempo right. Basically dance for yourself, not to please others! In Joel's words, dance like you "Syok sendiri". Lol!

Look it's me! Well, a back view of me.. lol!
*Source: Dentyne ConfiDance Movement FB

The workshop emphasised more on 'bouncing'. It's just one of those things where just have to relax and get into it. With the bouncing comes basic movements and style. After that everything just flows..

With Joel

Not really sure how to describe the rest of the workshop coz it was 1 1/2 hours of fun!!

To find out more about the Dentyne ConfiDance Movement visit their facebook.

To register for the workshops and competition click here. There's still one more date for the workshop at KLDA, 26/6/10. If you haven't register, don't wait too long. Trust me, you'll have loads of fun!

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  1. sounds like a lot of fun but not sure they want a hopping jumping elephant there!

  2. we didn't actually hopped or jumped much..

    we were mostly on the spot.. bouncing.. looking cool or attempting to.. hahaha

  3. hi..i had lotsa fun teaching u guys..
    for more info on urban groove..go to
    or check out our vids at


  4. wow, thanx loads for dropping by joel!

    sadly the urban groove branches are no where near me.. *sob*

    but will definitely be looking out for any other workshops you're conducting.. :)


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