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Brush Review: Acca Kappa- Round Wooden Thermic Brush

By 00:38 ,

Tell me you don't want gorgeous curls. I would lurv to have 'em everyday if I could but my unruly mane insists on having the dishevelled rockstar look. I blame the hair! If you're one of those who's gotten the hang of blow drying curls on yourself then you should definitely try Acca Kappa's Round Wooden Thermic Brush. I've heard a lot about this brush and it's all good things. It's also one of the must haves!

Yeap that's me! :P
This brush is great for making curls like this!! If only I can get the hang of it..

You notice how when you get your locks blow dried curl at a salon it tend to have that slight burnt smell after. That's because the cheap round brush they're using is just frying your hair as the heat from the blow dryer can't go through. Notice how this brush has ventilated barrels which allow greater flow of air from the dryer making drying your hair much faster and causes less damage especially if you're using it often. No frying involved.

The nylon bristles are of perfect height and correctly spaced making it easier for professionals as well as beginners to use at home. It glides smoothly through the hair without entangling it or tugging on it. It's meant to be fool proof!

The dark wood making up the handle and the top bit is Kotibe wood which tends to stay cool. Therefore the heat from the dryer is concentrated only at the barrel and you can get your curled, styled or volumised loads faster. The slim handle fits comfortably into my small hand. Plus it's anti-slip.


I personally have not tried using the Round Wooden Thermic Brush coz I'm horrible at drying my hair curl and my hair isn't exactly the most obedient around. But I've had a stylist use this brush on me and I could feel and see the difference as compared to the cheap round brushes. The process is loads faster, doesn't tug or pull out my hair and it gives great results!

Used at a salon - Both brushes are 3 months old. The cheaper one on the right looks like its seen better days.

So yes, I think if you're the styling blow drying type, you should definitely try this one out!

Retails at: Small - RM100, Medium - RM120, Large - RM150

And as the contest goes.. Acca Kappa has exclusively given you guys, super awesome Chocolate Cats readers, a cash voucher worth RM15 when you purchase a set of 3 hair brushes at only RM280 (worth up to RM 390). A steal huh! All you have to do is print out the voucher below and bring it along with you when you're purchasing the set of brushes. Each voucher will have a code for Acca Kappa to keep track of as there are other participants for this contest. The more vouchers you guys print out and use, the chances of me winning a prize of RM2,000 worth of Acca Kappa products increases. I need a minimum of 4 vouchers to be used to qualify for the next round.

Exclusively for you!
Just print out this Cash Voucher!

Current offer
RM 280 - RM15 = RM265 for 3 brushes!!
Offer available at Acca Kappa One Utama and Acca Kappa Pavilion KL.

There's one more coming up! ^^
Read my That Green Brush post here.

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  1. nice.. i need some nice brushes for my hair but it's still very expensive even after discount.. huhu.. i wish i earn more.. =p

  2. i wish i earn more too!! can buy the whole set..:P


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