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Leopard Rocks! - Sephora Nail Patch Art

By 22:20 , ,

If you're like me and wished you could get your nails done in a flash then consider nail polish stickers. I've been eyeing this for the longest time but really wasn't sure if it were all that easy to do since I've read that it could be tricky and need some getting used to or it could even look too sticker-like. Since this fell in my lap recently I figured why not give it a go.

These nail patch comes in either single colours or with nail art at Sephora. To feed my feline ferocity these ones called Leopard Rocks! was spot on. The packaging says that it's 100% easy, trendy, shiny, zero drying time and long lasting. It has 2 strips of 8 adhesive nail stickers to fit all nail sizes.

It also comes with instructions in the package which is great for newbies like me. It's easy to follow. Photo below.

The adhesive smell when you remove from the pocket doesn't really bother me. I think the sticking on took longer than expected. Probably because it was my first time. It was fairly easy to apply. It sticks onto the nails really well. But you have to handle the stickers gently as it might tear. I found snipping off the excess was much easier than trying to tuck it in under the nails which didn't look very neat. The excess at the sides tears of easily. If your nails are short like mine, you can use the excess for other nails of similar size. It has to be done right after you snip it off so that it won't dry out.

These stickers with nail art don't look very sticker-like. In fact it looks like a nicely done nail art. I'm quite impressed with the outcome. In fact, I had random strangers asked me where I got my nails done. Lol!

The only downside is that I was expecting for these to last longer than my normal colour but slight wear and bits of chipping by the sides and at the tip started to show in just two days. *sigh* Perhaps I  didn't stick them on very well. I'm definitely trying them out again! They remove like normail nail polish, just use a nail polish remover.

Only thing is I find it might be a tad pricey, RM35 for 2 strips of 16. But I suppose if I were in a rush and didn't want the mess of a nail colour, I would probably go for this. It's good fun especially the ones with nail art.

Remember to close the pocket with remaining strips with self adhesive strip. If not they'll just dry out.

Note: Product provided by Junipers Journal for review.

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  1. I think you can add a layer of top coat to make it last longer? I've read a few nail polish blogs, and they do recommend it. :D Gorgeous nails, btw, although leopard is a bit too fierce for me, haha.

  2. Thanx for the tip laura, will try it out the next round of leopard prints.. ^^

  3. this one i like!!!! wanted to buy during the last visit but didn't cause the price scare me off a bit. but come think of it, it's faster, cheaper than manicure! I shall get it soon!

  4. that is what i'm looking for,i like it


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